‘Help India Defeat COVID-19’ Campaign Raises Over $7 Million; More than 100,000 Pitch In
Sewa International has reached the 101,000-donor mark and raised over $7 million from its ‘Help India Defeat COVID-19’ Facebook campaign within 10 days of launching the campaign, indicating massive support from Americans to help India in its hour of need.
UPS Lifts 2,184 Oxygen Concentrators to India; Air India to Distribute Across Indian Cities
The first major batch of oxygen concentrators has left Atlanta by air to Delhi. Thanks to UPS Foundation’s generous collaboration with Sewa International, the shipment of 2,184 Nuvo oxygen-concentrators, manufactured by Birmingham, Alabama-based Nidek Medical Products, Inc., is being shipped free of cost to New Delhi, as India struggles with the severe second wave of […]