
Over the years, we have been privileged to witness the impact of our support through many stories of individuals, families, and whole communities whose lives have been touched—and even transformed—with access to education and wellness.


Partner organizations throughout the US, India, and the World

Param Shakti Peeth of America Foundation Logo

Param Shakti Peeth of America

FOCUS: Women & Children
Sewa International USA logo

Sewa International

FOCUS: Education, Women & Children
Chinmaya Mission logo

Chinmaya Mission

FOCUS: Wellbeing
Pine Lake Retreat Logo

Pine Lake Retreat

FOCUS: Wellbeing
Adventhealth Pink on Parade 5k Logo

AdventHealth Pink on Parade

FOCUS: Philanthropy, Wellbeing
American Diabetes Association logo

American Diabetes Association

FOCUS: Philanthropy, Wellbeing
Central Florida Foundation Logo

Central Florida Foundation

FOCUS: Philanthropy
Adventhealth Pink on Parade 5k Logo

AdventHealth Pink on Parade

FOCUS: Philanthropy, Wellbeing
American Diabetes Association logo

American Diabetes Association

FOCUS: Philanthropy, Wellbeing
HomeAid Orlando Logo

HomeAid Orlando

FOCUS: Housing
Habitat For Humanity Logo Logo

Habitat for Humanity

FOCUS: Housing
Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida Logo

Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida

FOCUS: Housing
Ekal Vidyalaya Logo

Ekal Vidyalaya

FOCUS: Education
Hindu University of America Logo

Hindu University of America

FOCUS: Education
UCF College of Medicine Logo

University of Central Florida College of Medicine

FOCUS: Education
Elevate Orlando Logo

Elevate Orlando

FOCUS: Education
Sewa International USA logo

Sewa International

FOCUS: Education, Women & Children
Vidya Bharati School Logo

Vidya Bharati School

FOCUS: Education
Junior Achievement of Central Florida Logo

Junior Achievement of Central Florida

FOCUS: Education
Param Shakti Peeth of America Foundation Logo

Param Shakti Peeth of America

FOCUS: Women & Children
Chinmaya Mission logo

Chinmaya Mission

FOCUS: Wellbeing
Ekal Vidyalaya Logo

Ekal Vidyalaya

FOCUS: Education
Hindu University of America Logo

Hindu University of America

FOCUS: Education
UCF College of Medicine Logo

University of Central Florida College of Medicine

FOCUS: Education